14 January 2005
posted by j at 1/14/2005 01:54:00 PM

This happened 2 days after the teacher decided on a seating arrangement for her class.

Boy: Teacher! Teacher! Can I change seats please?

Teacher: No! You have to learn to sit with other people. Can't sit with your friends all the time.

Boy: No, but you don't understand...I HAVE to change seats!

Teacher: Why? Give me a good reason.

Boy: I..I....I just have to change seats!

Teacher: Nope. You just have to stick to your seat unless you can give me a good reason.

Boy: The girl next to me is distracting me...I can't concentrate on the lesson.

Teacher: (disbelievingly) How, may i ask, is she doing that??

Boy: She...uh....she keeps digging her nose in class! I just can't concentrate!

(shocked and trying not to snigger) Oh...erm...

(to be continued...)