Yup..i've got a new idol...His name is Elisha...heh. Unfortunately, he died more than 2000 years ago...
Have been doing my Bible reading from 1 Kings. Read about Elisha in chapter 19 and was very impressed by how willing he was to drop EVERYTHING just to follow Elijah. According to a commentary, it is supposed that Elisha came from a relatively rich family. Yet, when Elijah threw his cloak around him (as a symbol of making Elisha his successor as God's messenger), Elisha was ready to leave all he had to follow Elijah.
The Bible says, Elisha "...took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant."
Can you imagine? He had 12 yokes of oxen. That's 24 oxen! He slaughtered them all, burnt the equipment to use as 'firewood' for cooking the oxen he slaughtered! He didn't even try to sell the meat to get 'back-up' cash in case following Elijah didn't work out for him. He didn't slaughter some and keep some, just in case. He didn't keep his equipment in the storeroom, just in case. This rich guy with his own field and 24 oxen (that's a whole lot of meat!!) and his own plowing equipment dropped everything and followed an older man. Not only that, he became Elijah's ATTENDANT! phew...
Started thinking about this in the modern day context. It means when God calls us to the mission field, we say bye to our parents and relatives, submit our resignation letter at work immediately, selling our laptops... and if we are doctors that would mean also burning the err..stethoscope, thermometers and stuff?? If we are teachers, it would mean burning or giving away our resources, assessment books and other teacherly wares (whoppieee!)... heh. yeah. can u imagine? Oh, and selling our $300,000 worth HDB flat (for those blessed enough to have it) and giving the money away to NKF or Salvation Army or something... mind-boggling isn't it? Feel the pinch already d'ya??
All these Elisha did without questions, without second thoughts, without regrets.
Is he your idol too already??
(For the full story, pls see here)