24 March 2005
posted by j at 3/24/2005 12:01:00 PM

Jetty at Mersing early in the morning...

Tioman from the jetty...

Fascinating school of fish that stationed itself under a boat near the jetty. They didn't even look like they were moving at all...

Camera shy we are... taken with a new dive friend. Very nice da jie. Took good care of me =)

Speeding back to Mersing from Tioman...took this from a speedboat while the rest of the boat were in dreamland...

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

which one is you leh? the pink or the white?



At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

which one is you leh? the pink or the white?



At 12:37 AM, Blogger j

heh. i'm the 'blacker' one...my pastor actually called me blackface once..hmph. and it wasnt cos i was grumpy or in a bad mood ok...


At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

haha..both also look equally 'black' :P...but i suppose you are the white one. I am also 'black'



At 8:30 PM, Blogger j

hee..so smart u are.. =) Ya, i'm the white black one.. gee, i sound like a zebra..