11 May 2005
posted by j at 5/11/2005 01:39:00 PM

Last month was English Language month in school. Which meant extra work for us English teachers cos every level from secondary 1 to 5 had to do something related to the language as a way of promoting English in the school. I'm teaching the last few classes of the express stream in Sec 1, which means i'm dealing with the naughty/lazy/challenging/ill-disciplined/loud/hard-to-control/i-never-hand-up-work-on-time people...u get what i mean... SO when i heard from the other teacher teaching the better Sec 1 classes that she was planning for the Sec 1s to do a storytelling competition, i wanted to die...i mean, how was i supposed to get students who had problems doing homework and keeping quiet, to memorise an entire story??

sooo.. in a pique of rebelliousness coupled with helplessness, i came up with my own activity for them. I call it 'Show and Sell' as opposed to 'Show and Tell'. I gave them 2 choices: Create and sell a new product of their invention, or modify the use of an existing product and sell it as a new product (e.g. Supposing a fork's normal use is for eating, find another unique use for it that is unlike eating...) I gave them an example of how i was given this particular task as well, and how i used a disposable spoon to bun up my hair instead of using it for eating. They were divided into groups of 5 or 6 to complete this task and present it in a week's time.

The deadline was last week. They were supposed to present. No prizes for guessing what happened. Or rather, what didn't happen. I was not surprised at all actually, having known them for some months now. So i patiently chased them, and ruthlessly threatened them. Yesterday and today, i saw the fruits of their labour...

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Creativity with chopsticks...Kinda think they stole my idea with the spoon..hmph

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Oooh...live demonstration?? What's THAT??

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Ohhh...handphone and bag accessories...they're a dollar each..anybody wanna buy??

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Demo 2...guess what they're up to?

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Here's the finished product! Students these days are amazing... just from 2 straws..we used to make stars with straws =)

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There's a hundred hearts in there man...

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Demo 3...What are these guys making??

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Awww...the poor fellow. The result of his toil...

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Finally, the product of their labour... hopefully their motto too... all made from paper clips and paper.

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Anyone for World Peace??

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A challenge from the class, "Can u make ANY alphabet we want??"

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Free sample to the teacher...hmmm...looks like an attempt at bribery if u ask me...but then i'm not complaining. *grin* Looks good on my table.

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Here's another...test-tube decor. Only need a test-tube, coloured hair gel and alphabet macaroni... Comes in as many colours as hairgel comes in. Mixing colours apparently brings bad results...

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HO! Another attempt at bribery!! heh. This one looks good on my table too.. just afraid it leaks...

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Kinda like this one personally...
Step 1: Grate the chalk finely into separate containers by colour...

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Step 2: Add salt. Don't ask me why...supposed to make it smoother i think...

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Step 3: Pour into bottle via a funnel. Layers of sand in different colours can be arranged aesthetically.

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Here's my private loot...hee hee..

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This is one of the more unique ones... heh.

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What is it used for? To scratch your friend's back??

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Cool! It's a keyholder! Twisted and drilled at the D&T workshop...

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Comes in different colours and words... impressive! As usual, i got a free sample! Heh. Orders were actually placed for this ok...

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Any idea wat this is?? Looks like a peacock...

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They call it..."Swan thing" Hee hee...wonder if they were trying a pun...doubt it tho

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After the demo, there were two...

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Recycled from aluminium cans and cut with scissors, they claim that it's an ash tray and can be used to grow plants as well...hehee...kinda stretching it i think.

All in all, i'm quite pleased with this guys and the results. So i went out and bought them some prezzies...Show u next time... *wink*

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Gaizhi

These are examples of some of the intangible rewards I mentioned in another post. You'd done well! Look up, don't look down!