25 July 2005
posted by j at 7/25/2005 06:25:00 PM

Now i know why God included TOIL as part of the package after the Fall. Idleness is NOT GOOD. When i'm idle, i find i get assaulted by all sorts of thoughts. They may not all be evil, but they're certainly not helpful. The only good thing that comes out of it all is that sometimes i just fall on my knees and pray. I pray that God will, in His mercy, help me to put those thoughts away and to help me think only about things that are important and to think about Him. And think about what i shall do in future. This restless, antsy time is all too familiar. I remember something of this nature happening about half a year ago. A short bout of it happened about 3 months ago. I'm fortunate God took me out of THAT bout. Thank God. Need to stop thinking...NEED....TO.......STOP.........

I wish...*sigh*....nvm. It would take a miracle.

ARRGhh....wish i could cut my head into two and fish out the thoughts i dun want and dump them somewhere far away. Not too long ago, i wished something somewhat similar. I wished i could cut my head into two halves and scoop out the blasted mucus and phlegm that was clogging up my system, and dump the disgusting stuff into a toilet bowl to flush away....

Help! NEED.....TO........STOP........THINK...ING........

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Alex

What's going on inside of me?
I despise my own behaviour.
This only serves to confirm my suspicions,
That I'm still a Man in need of a Saviour.

It's so comforting to know that God is there.

Eek. I sometimes wish that there was a door in my back so I could clean out the phlegm from my lungs. Or when I have a headache, a door in my head so I can go straight to the source of the pain and nullify it.