29 July 2005
posted by j at 7/29/2005 01:33:00 PM

I gave an assignment to my class a while ago. Their task was to choose someone in the school and write a one-page 'essay' describing that person without mentioning his or her name. The purpose was to get them to use descriptive language. And for some reason, there were 2 particular teachers that many students chose to describe...

"She is around the age of 45, but she looks older, She always want to attract attention. She always wear those sleeveless shirts. Her skirts are always long, but she tends to pull it higher so that it seems shorter. her make-up is very thick, like a ghost. She always scratch the places she shouldn't scratch in front of our class. She always wear those colourful shirts and skirts to attract attention. She always scold us for nothing....she walks like a lady shopping in the market."

and again...

"She is around the age of 40 plus. She teaches quite a lot of classes. She have the hair the same like maggie mee. She always wear revealing clothes and always put on thick make-ups. She kind of ugly to me and her smile is so disgusting. She have a loud voice and she's married. She have entique car, very suitable for her. She doesn't wear spectacles, if she wear, she will look even uglier. She wore clothes of the teenagers. She don't admit she OLD."

makes me shudder to think what things they say about me behind my back...

There's another teacher several students talked about...

"He is a guy. He is married already. He wears spectacles. He also comes to our class for two periods and only one day. He always has that wicked smile on his face. He is always sweating, and his shirt is always wet as if his house is at CCK and he walks to school. He is nearly bald, infront no hair behind got hair. Salvia is always coming out from his mouth and sometimes cannot make out what he is talking about. He has a big tummy. He is kind of friendly. He is a guy of normal height, not too tall, not too short."

and again...

"He is a male who can be very interesting at times and also very scary at times. He can shout till you drop dead. He can also be a little friendly at times. He has a nasty grin that kind of makes you feel uneasy. He always comes into the class lokking like he is going to scold someone. He also comes into the class looking like he just had a bath before coming into the class as his shirt is always filled with sweat."

See what a mean boy said about his classmate...

"He does not wear spectacles. He is very tall and looks like a ostrich. He got a alien-like head, he also got long hands and fingers. he runs very fast, fastest in class i guess. He likes to play computer. His school results are moderate."

and another..

"Sometimes his hair very nice. Sometimes he look very cute like a teddy bear. When he do his work his face turn very serious. His ears are like the ear of buddha...."

"He is tall but not strong. He is fat and he like to eat oily food and drink sweet drinks. Everyday when he reach home he will make milo and drink. He is good at computer and like to play computer also. He like to talk alot even if you didn't talk to himm he will talk to you on its own. He laugh like he's dying. I hate the sound he make when he laugh, it is disgusting. When he talk, he will add some action into it."

Wanna know what they said about me??

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Alex

Yeah, what did they say abt you? Hee...


At 10:54 PM, Blogger Benita

Yes I do too!! HAHA BOO!


At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

My class did the same thing too, they describe me as "very very sweet, very very short, very very friendly"


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Chris

i wanna know too! what did they say about you??? ;p

wanna see if it's what i heard... hee hee...


At 12:10 PM, Blogger j

What you hear? wat u hear?? must be something bad...students nowadays are ruthless when it comes to talking about their poor teachers...in fact, sometimes i get the idea they only see the bad.