26 August 2005
posted by j at 8/26/2005 01:53:00 PM

It's strange how the impending coming of a certain day in the year gets you thinking. It's almost as if it is a must to start contemplating life as it is when you add a candle to THE cake. In all honesty, i'm anything but profound. But i do get random thoughts popping into my head now and then. And it makes me wonder. If i'm not too lazy, i might just get down to piecing these stray ideas together to see if they form any patterns or see whether analysing them gives me any interestng ideas. Here are some things that came my way in the last couple of weeks or so. I might have mentioned some of these to some of you guys at some point of time.

1. why do memories attach themselves to certain people in your life?
2. does the way you run indicate your character or attitude in life?
3. why do you remember some things and not others? even seemingly unimportant, minute and irrelevant stuff you just dun see how it could possibly matter to anything or anyone.
4. did i get stronger emotionally at all over the years?
5. if there weren't any important events/dates in the year, would i ever sit down and wonder if all my time and energy in this world came to naught?
6. how in the world did i find the courage to end something in my life a year ago, just before my birthday?
7. how many birthdays will i spend without a significant half?
8. what will things be like 5 years from now?
9. am i really cut out for teaching? why do i always feel i dunno wat i'm doing and therefore making my students suffer for my incompetency?
10. is there a RIGHT job out there for me? what??
11. why do some people find it so easy to take the "steady, slow and easy wins the race" approach to life, while others flounder through with the "fast and buffet, over and over again" approach? Is the former naturally the way to go?
12. can everyone go into missions? is it only a matter of the heart/willingness? Can anyone not be "cut-out" for it?
13. is it possible that God made you in such a way that you are attracted only to a certain type of person, and yet this same type of person is the type that will not be attracted to you?? that's not how celibacy comes into the picture right??

Have i made your head spin? Think i should stop at 13. Will share with you some of my thoughts on some of these questions in the next few entries...

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Alex

Let's see...

1. I guess it's a subconscious thing. Someone could do 1000 things but one would stick in your head while 999 are forgotten. That one thing then defines who that person is to you.

2. Literally or figuratively running?

3. I'd like to know too. If only I could remember my lessons instead of what I read in the news or on the web.

4. Either that or your heart's hardening, which I don't think is the case.

5. Thank God for the opportunity to sit down and reflect. Otherwise we'd be mice on a wheel.

6. I always wonder why.

7. Not as many as me. Ha.

8. I hope it won't be exactly the same as it is now.

9. Don't think of that until next July.

10. Hmm. Time for career guidance talk.

11. Fortune favours the brave. There really is no correct way to go.

12. Not everyone can go into missions.

13. That's not celibacy.

Now my head is spinning. Please don't be thinking of these things when you blow the candles out.


At 1:19 AM, Blogger Gaizhi

Okay...my take.

1. Because they matter? However slightly, however short that point in time...

2. Definitely! Just like the way you play chess or almost any other thing. Psychologists can "read" people accurately by how they do certain things. I can too, albeit to a lesser extent.

3. Well, maybe it's God? It may not matter now, but in future?

4. Do you want my honest opinion?

5. I think you would.

6. Beats me. But everyone and everything has a breaking point somewhere...

7. Does it matter?

8. God knows. But part of it will be a result of what you are doing now and in the near future.

9. If you aren't, who is? Don't I have more right to feel this way? Yet I don't. I know it's my calling, and I'll give my best shot.

10. Definitely! Pray and ask God!

11. Different people have different approaches to life. No one way is better than another. Perhaps the "best" way is the way in the middle...

12. By "missions" you mean overseas? Or just winning souls? The former, no, not everyone. Yours truly, for one, can't. The latter, yes, for all.

13. Why not? (to your first question) Celibacy? Nay.