20 October 2005
posted by j at 10/20/2005 04:16:00 PM

Someone should write a book on this. Usable and reusable quotes on how to end a letter to a friend. These students of mine really need it. Here's why...

They wrote:

"I hope that we will see again..."
- What?! Are they presently blind or something??

"Now i saving my pocket money to look upon seeing you again..."
- HUH???

"Until here only i can say..."
- ditto the above

"I have to stop my pen..."
- Ohhhh....does it have a life of its own then..

"I drop the pen here..."
- This one i like...my jaw dropped along with the pen.

Here are some other interesting jawdropping atrocities...
"I really like the sineries at your country..."

"Many things i like about your country, like the rooster coollar at the funfair..."

"I really missed your mom's cooking. Good until make me drop my saliva..."

Hmm. Interesting.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Benita

HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH omgoooodness!!! I had to stop myself from laughing out loud at my desk. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.

Actually, it's quite sad that their english has been misguided for 15 years and counting. Not their fault also.. And the 'stop pen' thing is some direct-from-chinese translation, can! Aiyoh........
Miss Chua, tiring you le.. (xing ku ni le!)