17 November 2005
posted by j at 11/17/2005 05:24:00 PM

It's been some time since i took time to walk, and to think. Guess it was forced upon me in a way. That's the woe of a driver, i feel. We get everywhere so much faster and even while we drive we have to concentrate on what we're doing. As a result, the numerous thoughts that i used to get when i took public transport no longer seem to flood my mind as much. On Tue, i had to send the car in for maintenance. Spent the whole afternoon running errands on foot. And as i walked past a particular bus stop, i happened to glance at an advertisement in plain sight of all who passed by. (That's another thing that struck me...ironically, sometimes i think, the more obvious something is, the less people take notice. Things that people pass by on their way to work or on their way home... do people really take notice?) Anyway...i was saying...this advert said, "Do you feel hopeless all the time? You may have depression. Seek early treatment." Something to that effect. And this made me wonder. Gee, are SO many people suffering from depression these days? But aren't we supposed to be leading better lives now? At least, most people think so. Well, then, if our lives are so much better (compared to say, 50 years ago), then WHY are MORE people suffering from depression? It's an irony isn't it? It seems the more we have, the more depressed we get.

I tried thinking back of the times i was depressed. And strangely, i dun remember much of what that must have felt like. Surely i must have been depressed at some point of time? But i really dun remember what i could have been depressed about, nor how sad i was if i were. Perhaps that's a resulf of my premature dementia, but i think in things like these, it is better not to remember. I thank God for the way he made me, bad memory or not. I'm glad i'm like a bouncing ball. (this is what i used to describe myself when i once had to think of an object which best describes me. That was in some ice-breaker game i think.) I'm like a bouncing ball because i go up and i come down. There are times i feel 'up', and when i'm up i'm usually very 'up'. And there are times i feel down, and when i'm down i'm very down. But those never last long =)

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Alex

I know the feeling. After my accident, I was suddenly walking everywhere again. That was good in a way as I didn't realise that after driving for half a year, my legs were not quite as springy as they used to be.

And it's true, you get to think more especially about what you see as you walk.

I can't help but notice ads at bus stops. They're so huge!

I think many people suffer from depression but don't realise it till it's too late.

A bouncing ball? That's a rather colourful image. I guess it's better to be a bouncing ball than a tumbling rugby ball.