21 February 2006
posted by j at 2/21/2006 11:15:00 AM

Swiped this from b (sorry b..hope u dun mind...) thought it was an interesting way to find out...things...so humour me and help me out here eh?

see how j ticks...

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Gaizhi

Hey! That's a tall order! Choose 6 adjectives out of a list of 55 to describe you? I can't do it. To me, you are most of those adjectives and more, and the 'more' part cannot be expressed by mere adjectives.

You know, a mutual friend's recent mishap caused me to realise this --- "If I say I'm your friend because of whatever whatever whatever whatever, it's just plain bullshit." (Pardon my language.) Because the whatever whatever whatever whatever can change. And when you become the opposite to the whatever whatever whatever whatever, do I stop becoming your friend? I might, but that would mean I never was a real friend to you in the first place.

A real friend would say,"I'm your friend because you are you." Period.

And I think I can substitute the 'you' above with your name, if that helps in the 'dissectation'. :P.