M says I should put up a new post as an inauguration for my new look. Not physically, of course. You know that. And I agree. So here it is. Pity is, I'm not sure what to say. Heh. Went for Cecilia's bible study last night and some things were impressed upon me. However, I can't seem to remember off-hand what they were. Terrible. Must think harder. Will share when I do.
I guess in more ways than one, I feel ready for a new start. A change. Some variety and 'freshness' for lack of a better word. Need to pray for God to show me direction. Be it career, ministry...whatever. Through all the sticky, unmotivating times, however, I must say that I've never stopped being thankful for all the support my friends (YES YOU!) have been giving me. Thanks you guys for stopping by this area. Thanks for the encouragement, the smses, the calls...Thank you most of all, for your love =) LOVE YOU GUYS!! =)=)=)