Always thought you were a FAKE. Now I know you're not only a FAKE, you're a childish one at that. It's hard to believe you are your age. It's even harder to believe why someone like you can get so many people to dance to your tune. Not just your 'family' of believers. Sometimes even the e____s. It's unbelievable! How can people be so blind?? You know what else puzzles me? Why ______ would put someone so power hungry in charge of the young....and most of all, how a person could seemingly instil fear in people and make some even bend over to his/her whims....
It really baffles me. What and who gave you authority to strike fear into the hearts of God's children? I'm worried. Worried about the minds of the young people over whom you have influence. I can only trust that God will protect His own.
H said rightly, that though people are blind now, TIME WILL TELL. I just wish it was sooner. For the sake of the young. But then again, God's timing is always perfect. I just have to be patient. Some may think i'm being too harsh. Too unloving. I've already more or less detached myself from THAT scene. He/she can do what he/she wants. I just take it as noise. But when it comes to influencing others who may or may not be old or spiritually mature enough to think for themselves, I not only worry, I start to feel protective. And it irks me that i can do nothing about it. You know, from the actions and words of this person, I'm not sure if he/she is from the fold. But I should not judge. Time will tell.
As i was pondering of the apparent helplessness of the situation, i was reminded of the God whom we serve. Hey, our God is the same One who parted the Red Sea. Know how big a sea is? Well, I can only imagine. A God who is capable of rolling back the waters and holding them there for an entire nation to cross over, is surely more than able to fix ANY situation. So just gotta be patient.
I just hope i won't choke while vomitting blood meanwhile....