19 September 2006
posted by j at 9/19/2006 02:11:00 PM

Picture this. A dog on guard. An intruder breaks into the house. The dog, without a second thought, pounces on and bites onto the leg of the intruder without letting go. Freeze that scene for a moment. The picture of the dog valiantly hanging on to that mouthful of leg, while the intruder frantically attempts to shake the mongrel off in vain....the stubborn hanging on...

Got that scenario in your mind?


Yesterday, this picture came to mind as I dealt with a student from that dreaded sec 4 class. That class has the ability to SAP all my energy for the day. Seriously. And it ain't funny. This particular boy hadn't appeared in school for ages. Each time he comes, he creates trouble for the teachers by strolling around the classroom like nobody's business, talking loudly and incessantly, refusing to do work, arguing and making irrelevant comments to the teacher when asked to work or sit down and being defiant when made to do anything he didn't feel like doing. All in all, he can be a real pain. Yesterday, he kept doing all of the above. HE. JUST. REFUSED. TO. DO. WORK. I tell you, i was on the verge of emitting steam. He also said that there was no point my forcing him because he wasn't going to be coming anyway, since his father said that he created more trouble coming to school. I was adamant. "NO! As long as you're in school, you have to do your work!" I nagged, scolded, bellowed, cajoled. You name it. I just insisted and insisted and insisted. I wouldn't take no for an answer. I was undeterred by any argument or excuses. I gave him some leeway, but bottomline was still there. I. WANT. THE. WORK. DONE. No blanks. No rubbish. Properly done work. He promised he would bring the work today. Even if he wasn't coming to school proper, he was to drop by to give it to me.

And you know what? He submitted it today.

Don't you think the imagery of that dog hanging on to its mouthful of leg sounds like me? I felt that way, you know. Ferociously clinging on to that leg. Ridiculously stubborn sometimes. But yah, that's me.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

i wonder how u look like when at verge of emitting steam. red? puffed up? emotional? what??


At 9:53 AM, Blogger j

that's so out of point...but i'll answer it anyway...hahaa...

My eyes get all big and fierce (like they're not already big to start with...)dunno if i go red cos i can't exactly see myself. Dun think so tho, cos my skin very thick...haha...after running i usually turn green instead of red. Heh. Then i raise my voice and i bang things around or do something drastic. To date, i've banged tables really hard with my bare hands and scared the students to bits, i literally threw a chair out of class because the student didn't deserve to sit on it and i've torn 2 worksheets to shreds and thrown them out of the class in front of the kids to prove my point. How's that?? I always warn them what i'm capable of, but i find that unless they see it for themselves, they dun take me seriously. So, i show them! =)


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Benita

Like how most teachers would've not given 2 hoots about the problem student, your stubborness made you insist he submit his work.

Perhaps it's this stubbornness that remains even after all these years that makes you a good teacher; one who shows determination in work and students alike.

Hopefully this would be the start of something for him, and that he realises someone still has faith in him...

Like the dog whose determination made it a worthy guard dog. =)


At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

hahah i really admire your "dogged" persistence! its traits like this that will stay in a student's mind for a long time to come. If only my teacher had bugged me more!! of course at that time i wud have hated my teacher and would probably be thinking murderous thoughts abt her every other day.. hehe but i wud also probably relfect back and thank her some day=) Keep up the good work girl!


At 9:40 PM, Blogger j


Thanks guys...i feel so encouraged... and loved...=)


At 9:20 AM, Blogger scatterbrain

So, did he do his work properly? Did he do ok?
Cool picture by the way.
Can I say again, I think you're a good teacher. A good teacher doesn't just mean you teach well or teach creatively, but a genuine concern for the students.. Being serious about your work.. That goes a long way.


At 10:53 AM, Blogger j

Mmm...He completed the work, no blanks like i told him. But also not perfect lah. Not that i expected it to be. There was one entire page of mistakes and another entire page of correct answers...dunno what to make of it man...

Thanks dear..=)