21 January 2007
posted by j at 1/21/2007 09:00:00 PM

God, Your Word tells us to love our enemies, to pray for those who spite or persecute us. That's quite a "tall order" for a human, but through the enabling of Your Holy Spirit, I can do it. Please remind me to pray instead of complain, to pray instead of get angry, to pray instead of feel sorry for myself. I pray for all the people I have relationships with in my family, neighborhood, workplace, church, school...wherever I live, work, and play, that you would help them to focus on You. If they do not know you, draw them to You. If they do know You, remind them to think "What would Jesus do?" before they act. Remind me too. Thank you for Your love and patience with us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Note: For those who don't know, I subscribe to Prime Time with God, a daily christian email. This prayer is taken from there. From time to time, when certain portions of the email speak to me, I'd share them with you guys. Hope these speak to you as it did to me.