15 May 2007
posted by j at 5/15/2007 03:42:00 PM

Endangered...soon to be extinct if we aren't careful...

This topic has come up time and time again. But it never quite hit me until recently. Commitment is a word which carries little weight these days. To the younger ones, it may even mean nothing to them. But it means a lot to me, because it is a promise that goes beyond circumstances, the unexpected, and the present. Perhaps it is also because of today's decline in the worth of commitment that I treasure it all the more, God's commitment to us. His covenant with His people that extends beyond what we can imagine. Our commitment is limited, some don't even take it to heart. Why else would there be so many divorces around? His commitment is limitless. He loves us no matter how we change, how we look, what we say...that is His nature and it will never change.

Last week, I had a conversation with a friend. She was particularly frustrated at a situation on her hands. The lack of commitment to the ministry she was serving in really upset her. And I can quite understand that feeling. In an attempt to make her feel better, I attributed the lack of commitment to age or lack of maturity. But when I went home, I asked myself, "Does age really make a whole world of difference to your perception of commitment? Does it mean that youngsters are not expected to be committed to what they 'commit' to because they have a valid excuse of age to hide behind? Conversely, does it also mean that with age comes commitment? That all those deemed old enough or no longer a youth would and should be able to be held accountable to his/her commitment?" Perhaps what she said that night was right. The value and merit of commitment should be instilled in the young while they are still in their youth. Afterall, there ARE irresponsible adults around. They MUST have started somewhere...But the question is how? From my experience with youths at school, it's not easy to teach them these things. Would they even want to listen? Afterall there are so many bad examples around, some of which we ourselves may be guilty of.

Commitment to people and to ministry in the christian circle is greatly underrated these days. Commitment has been relegated to a status on the same level as convenience. In fact, on many levels these two words have become somewhat like synonyms. Commitment to a ministry, means setting aside the prescribed time to do whatever it is. NOT attending the programmes/meetings/practices only when there's nothing better or more interesting to do. That is why commitment involves sacrifice. Sometimes, commitment means having to give up something u would really rather do. But our consolation is that God sees the sacrifices we make and He will honour those sacrifices. Sometimes we don't realise it but our commitment towards God's ministries does affect people around us sometimes. How we treat these ministries we commit ourselves to can either work to encourage others around, or work to demoralise our co-workers. Over the years I've heard so many excuses....too tired, too much to do, got some other commitment, got gathering with old friends, got to meet girlfriend or boyfriend... and the list goes on...

When it comes to relationships, the situation now is even more dismal. I look at my students and feel afraid for them. When I see the attitudes they carry toward their 'girlfriends' and 'boyfriends', I cannot help but wonder if this is what things are going to be like for them when they grow older. I can't help but wonder if they will be able to stay committed to their future spouse or not.

Personally, it's also difficult not to NOT be disillusioned with the commitment that humans give. People can just come and go, just like that. Words count for nothing. Promises are easily forgotten. It's difficult not to have a 'once bitten twice shy' attitude. It's difficult to believe in people.

We're learning the book of Philippians in BSF now. Have learnt much and am reminded that He is in control of everything that happens in our lives, in my life. He doesn't need me to believe in people, He only needs me to believe that He is there every step of the way and that things He allows to happen, both good and bad, happen with His knowledge and with His purposes behind them.

Ok..now to be joyful...=P

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Alex

I know exactly what you're talking about. The thing is, I don't know if youngsters can make commitments to anything or anyone, which is why I don't encourage teen boy-girl relationships.

When it comes to serving in ministry, I never expect youngsters to stay committed. It's not that I don't think they can stay committed, I just think it's more important that they are helped in their relationship with God, since service flows from a deep relationship with God whereas service stutters when it's based on just a commitment to serve Him, or the expectations of others.

The love of God is what brings commitment. If one does not know or does not abound in the love of God, why would you expect that person to be committed to anything?