03 May 2007
posted by j at 5/03/2007 08:21:00 PM

The wound has healed. But the scar will always be there. Ugly and misshapen. Why? Because it was not handled with care, nor dressed properly, while it was healing. Now that the wound has closed, nothing anyone can do will make a difference to it anymore. Too much time has been let sit. Tried putting antiseptic on a scab? Any use? Any difference? Any feeling? Ditto that.

If in making a choice that would bring about 2 consequences: give yourself pleasure while bringing others pain, would you still make that choice?

In reality, I think people around us make that choice anyway, regardless of the consequences, because these days all that matters is how we ourselves feel. How others feel is their business, something they have to deal with on their own. It's none of our business. It takes a bigger, more sacrificial and loving person to choose not to make that decision. Perhaps only a tiny fraction of people make that choice to put another's interests before their own.

I think I once made a selfish decision. A long time ago. Although it was shortlived and the hurt wasn't as great to that person, nevertheless I know now it wasn't a loving action on my part. Now on hindsight, I realize how much I hurt that person. I'm sorry. Perhaps it was just as well God let me learn a lesson from another perspective.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Alex

I think I've said this before, maybe not to you. Scars remind us of what happened to us to give us the wounds in the first place. Hopefully that helps us to avoid stumbling or falling.

I think we make selfish decisions all the time, consciously and unconsciously. It's all too easy to forget that no man is an island. Hindsight is always 20/20 but clarity of vision is better so that we're more aware of the people around us, and the relationships that we have with them.

I hope that however you learnt the lesson, that you will remember it and help others to learn it too.