17 May 2007
posted by j at 5/17/2007 11:59:00 AM

I'm done with my marking!! =)

That's half the battle done, but still, I'm grateful =) Praise God!

Now I have to complete the keying in of marks, attendance and remarks for the kids' report books by tomorrow. And then start on my backlog of marking. Deadline was due a long time ago. Hope I don't get chased by my boss...

A special thanks to an old friend (not the one mentioned in a previous post) for the support he gave last night =) It's a pleasant coicidence that just as I was going to post some thoughts on how much I appreciate God placing good friends in my life to take care of me and check on me, another proof of that appears! All glory be to God! Will talk more about those thoughts on another occasion. Need to think about that one to actualise it into words. For now, old friend, accept my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for staying up with me last night as I struggled to finish my marking. Thank you for your many words of encouragement and steadfast company. I did not ask it (how do u ask someone to lose sleep for you right?), but you gave it anyway. =) Thank you!

It's the company that makes battles easier to bear.