29 July 2007
posted by j at 7/29/2007 08:50:00 PM

Our study on Philippians for the past 5 weeks (and more, considering the leaders started doing the study even earlier) has been inspiring as well as tiring. I won't deny it, studying God's Word is time-consuming. Particularly when you are a leader in BSF and have to dedicate one more day of the week to BSF (that's two days a week!) on top of homework. It has been a struggle, especially with work demands. But I also admit, that I've really learnt a lot. And it's heartwarming to realise that these lessons do pop into mind as I muse over certain things, or pop up in conversations with fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ when we discuss certain struggles and issues in life. I'd like to think of this journey as an uphill climb towards a wonderful destination, where the inevitable exercise builds both my muscles and character and where God also provides a good scenery, fresh air and pretty flowers I can admire and pick. Heh.

Suddenly a hymn comes to mind... (and I can't help but giggle..for some strange reason, this hymn makes me laugh! and for no good reason!! Geez...what's wrong with me!??) We've been singing this at church the entire month lah...the third line is like piano scales or some watchamacallit...most challenging to sing.

Thy Word is like a garden, Lord, with flowers bright and fair;
And every one who seeks may pluck a lovely cluster there.
Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine; and jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depths for every searcher there.

Thy Word is like a starry host: a thousand rays of light
Are seen to guide the traveler and make his pathway bright.
Thy Word is like an armory, where soldiers may repair;
And find, for life’s long battle day, all needful weapons there.

O may I love Thy precious Word, may I explore the mine,
May I its fragrant flowers glean, may light upon me shine!
O may I find my armor there! Thy Word my trusty sword,
I’ll learn to fight with every foe the battle of the Lord.

The emphasis lately, in every aspect of my life, is on the Word. Every time something like this happens, I know that the Lord is trying to tell me something. What do I mean by "every time something like this happens"? Haven't you had that experience before? When suddenly during a certain period in your life, almost everything that happens to you naturally points at one particular thing? So much so that you know it can't possibly be a coincidence? Yeah well, when it comes to that, I'd rather take the hint from God, than be egg-headed about it (or is it pig-headed?? hmph...egg-headed sounds nicer..donch care) and have God knock me on the head to get my attention otherwise. From experience, that could be rather painful =P

Crap. There I go again. Song stuck in my head. Oh well, it's either this or the Cairo-Bombay song...

p.s. I shall endeavour to pen down some of my thoughts or lessons learnt on my blog so I can share it with you guys...if I can find the time to dig up stuff from Philippians, you'll get it in a while. If not, it's Ruth for the next 5 weeks =)

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

will love to read ur sharings/ gleanings... looking forward to it

and you!!! wanna piak u big time. tt cairo-bombay song you kept going on and on??? it's still stuck in me brain and lips, and it's been THREE days!!!! i sooo hate you


At 10:56 PM, Blogger j


teeheeheehee...must share share mah...u rather have the zhou chong qing part stuck in your head?? heh. Btw, if u're interested u can apparently get the lyrics of the spoof on 933...i heard it again today. They like to play it during Chongqing's segment one after another..the real one followed immediately by the spoof...

DUN HATE ME!!! cos i LARFOO EUWWW...=)=)=)

How the stomach flu ah?