Thanks to my clumsiness...whammed my fleshy thigh right into the corner of the armrest of a pew at True Way Pres, during the Missions Conference. Was so painful I think I was stunned for a while before I collapsed backwards onto the pew. 'A' could only gape in amazement. Afterwards I had to hobble for a while and for the next couple of days, there emerged a mini mound which gave mini vibrations whenever I moved my legs. Eww..
And you know what they say...祸不单行
So you know what else I did the very next day? I was trying to pull on my trek shoes while waiting for the lift...The same hand that was pulling on the back of my shoe was also holding my keycard... My hand, together with my keycard jerked upwards as my shoe suddenly gave way and slipped onto my foot. In doing so, the corner of my keycard 'slashed' the exact spot on my bare thigh ( I was in PE attire...i.e. shorts) where my nasty bruise cum mound was. BOY DID IT HURT!!! See something that looks like a purple line? Yep, that's the one...oww...*mew*