I guess I've always known, but perhaps it never quite made an actual impact till today. Not that anything major happened...was more like an observation, random thoughts and then...realisation.
Realisation 1.
Most men (that I know at least) look for women who will rely on them. Perhaps on some level, that is important to them. They look not just for companions but for a certain type of woman who will be happy to depend on them for this or that, and to make them feel needed. Maybe, to a certain extent, everyone wants to feel needed. Whether men or women. Just to a different extent, that's all. But by enlarge, to the normal male, (or from what I observe amongst my colleagues) a 小女人is more desirable than the other camp. Maybe even one who will defer to his whims and fancies. (ok maybe not that extreme). I wonder why that is so.
Realisation 2.
I'm not a 小女人. I'm stubborn, have my own strong opinions about things and how things ought to be done and I like having my own space, and time to do my own things.
You can put that together yourself.