Christian Pick-up Lines...*heh*
1. "nice bible."
2. "is this pew taken?"
3. "i just don't feel called to celibacy."
4. "for you i would slay two Goliaths"
5. "i would go through more than Job for you"
6. "you are perfect, except with all the sin."
7. "when Moses struck the rock, water flowed from it like a river. I promise I will never strike you."
8. "you are so unblemished that i would sacrifice you."
9. "what, this here? oh.. thats my study bible - it's a little bigger but i can handle the extra spiritual and physical weight."
10. "shall we tithe?"
11. "at points in my life i have been referred to as Samson"
12. "the word says 'Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry'; how about dinner?"
13. "i believe one of my ribs belongs to you."
14. "i can be your Boaz."
15. "my spiritual gift is my good looks... it lifts peoples spirits"
16. "is this the transfiguration.. because you are glowing"
17. "hey..for you I’d work seven years... and then seven more for your sister."
(I don't exactly know how this would benefit the user, but worth a try)
18. "bible-gateway happens to be my homepage."
19. "marry me."
20. "can I buy you a non-alcoholic beverage?"
21. " im one of the fortunate ones..greek and hebrew comes pretty easily to me."
22."my favourite species of vegetation is the church plant."
23. "now i know why Solomon had 700 wives... Because he never met you."
24. "i look after widows"
25. "is that a thinline, duo-tone, compact, ESV Travel Bible in your pocket"
26. "why dont i have a bible dictionary? well, i don't really need it."
27. "your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead"
28 "so, can i clothe you in righteousness?"
29. "how many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?"
30. "if you say no, im going to tear my clothes, get in my sackcloth and rub dust into my head.."
31. "feel free to meet me at the threshing floor."
32. "you can lie at my feet.."
33. "i know its absurd, but every time i walk towards you, it feels like im being lead to bethlehem."
34. "i'm a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you're a proverbs 31 kinda woman..."
35. "im interested in full time ministry, and not only that... i also play the guitar."
36. "if we were around with noah... then you, me... pair."
37. "i consider myself to be fisher of women. this would be referred to as "casting my net"."
38. "it would be my honor to present you spotless on the last day."
39. "when i read philippians 4:8, i think about you."
40. "i would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then i would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder"
41. "let's go for a ride in my zondervan"
42. "I like to think that I'm all things to all women."
43. 'all im looking for is a Godly woman. i don't care that you're not attractive.'