Today, I give thanks that He got me through the day.
Have been dreading the cluster of days from Monday till today, because I knew the forecast was long and exhausting. What with BSF after work on two consecutive days, a 3-hour course in Drama on Tuesdays, Oral duties after school today, CCA duties after Oral, and then CG today.... I was definitely not looking forward to this week. Boy am I glad it's over. Thank God for the strength He supplied me with, the relatively good day I had in terms of students' cooperativeness, and for the unexpectedly good sleep I was 'forced' to have last night because of my lack of clear vision (my spectacles got warped sitting for a day in the heat of the car).
Thank God also that I managed to pick up my spectacles today! Otherwise I would have had to wait till Fri evening cos the optician closes on Thursdays. Am wearing it now as I type =)