29 April 2005
posted by j at 4/29/2005 12:14:00 PM

My choc box is empty again...sigh. This time tho, i think i shouldn't replenish it. Went on a choc binge the last time i went choc shopping. Choc within easy reach ain't good at all. Ask my weighing scales.
28 April 2005
posted by j at 4/28/2005 10:18:00 AM

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Perfect Mothers' Day Theme...

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Cool...but then again, won't u just wanna kill yourself if this was your kid??!

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Heehee...brings a whole new meaning to 'zao geng' huh?

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For some strange reason, this really cracks me up...HahahaaHaa...
22 April 2005
posted by j at 4/22/2005 11:24:00 AM

Cool huh? And all handled by the alumni. So we teachers can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the programme. (Of course, some of us are trembling in trepidation that we might be asked to sing or judge. Judging isn't so much of a problem, it's the pressure of being asked to be a Simon-Cowell-wannabe that gets at us.)

I'm pretty excited =) There's even voting systems being put up, as well as a website specially dedicated to info of the like. It's really cool... So check it out if you guys have the time to burn =)
posted by j at 4/22/2005 10:56:00 AM

Take this test to find out...

Here's what the questions might sound like:

Q. Have I ever gotten a speeding ticket?

A. • Yes
B. • No. I'm a law-abiding citizen
C. • Yes, but i managed to wheedle my way out of it!
D. • No, i'm too smart to get caught =)

A warm handshake and my heartiest congratulations if you pass, you are a worthy friend. Either that or you are a freakishly good mindreader!

Tough luck for those who fail, time to make a date with me =)

Borderline passes? No need to fret, you may join the queue to ask me out as well, although priority may have to be given to those who failed. Heh.
12 April 2005
posted by j at 4/12/2005 02:19:00 PM

These days i really feel like a drifter. Like i'm existing just for the sake of it. Losing interest in some things. Don't know why i do others. Sounds like mid-life crisis, but then that would mean my life-span's really short. Maybe i'm really over the hill. Even a simple badminton game gave me a buttache. The rapport i thought i had with my students now seems to have disappeared. Feel kinda hurt at the things they do (or don't). Feel like throwing in the towel.

So here i am. Existing. Licking languidly at the mashed potatoes i made for myself (technically i just added water). Not knowing what work to start with. Not wanting to do anything. Instant mashed potato must be one of Man's greatest inventions. Lunch feels too far away to get. Potatoes are good. Now i'm rambling. Oh well.

Wonder if anyone would notice if i was gone. Wonder if it would make even the slightest difference.
posted by j at 4/12/2005 11:25:00 AM

Anybody interested in watching Korean Anime at the International Film Festival? Pls drop me a note if you are. Its this Sunday 7pm at Prince 1. Got 2 tix. When was the last time u brought ur other half for a date? Pampered him or her with a surprise? When was the last time u asked a long-time friend out? Well, now's the time to do it!
Hahaaaha.... Boy, sometimes i can't stand myself. Think i'm drunk or something.

No, but seriously, need to sell off the tix soon cos i'm going diving this weekend and won't be around to watch. Pls HELP!
05 April 2005
posted by j at 4/05/2005 03:24:00 PM

Been having some problems catching the night train..if you know wat i mean. Have always been a light sleeper. But these days, sleep comes even harder. Everything seems to jump at the opportunity to wake me before i get into that much-desired state of DEEP SLEEP.

One of the things/persons that hinder my sleep is the matriarch of my home. She talks real loud. Imagine in your head your loudest teacher in school ever. Take that teacher out of that classroom and put her/him in your house. Add in echoes. Hear how bad it is now?? Esp for a light sleeper. One can never sleep with her in the house. Not unless u wear ear plugs AND take a double dose of sleeping pills AND get someone to hammer u on the head and knock u unconscious. I've tried turning on the air-con, closing both windows and door, clamming my head between 2 pillows and i can STILL hear her. (And she's one floor below me mind u...) Arrgh.

In addition, some inconsiderate neighbour has taken into his head to be his own contractor. Since CNY, he has been doggedly taking turns to drill, hammer and, in general, make an assortment of loud noises in what i must say is very 'timely' intervals. Many times, i came very close to yanking the hair off my scalp in sheer frustration. And because he ain't a licensed contractor, he doesn't have to follow HDB's rules about not working after 5pm on weekdays or not working on Sats at all. I could cry just thinking about it. The past few weeks, i've had the misfortune to have incurred a sleep-deficit (no longer young i am). I hoped to make it up by sleeping in on Sat. Lo and behold, who should foil my plans but the aforementioned.... The *%@!! started his stupid earth-rattling drilling at 8 something in the morning!! Wah lau! I really wanted to sock him in the face.. The rest of the morning went downhill. I just could not get to sleep. Everything i sank slowly back to oblivion, the drilling would start up again. Sigh. I'm so tired. The day was only uplifted later by brunch at this place with H. Mmm...was gooooood....

The rest of the day was a confusing blur of goods and bads...

I had alot of alone time........which was good.
I spent alot of money...........which was bad.
I spent some time on work.......which was good.
I did not manage to finish it...which was bad.
I got a call from erhem.........which was good.
We arranged to meet for a show..which was good? Bad?
We had a good time..............which was good? Bad?


Need sleep. Need to think less. Need some mind-numbing.