28 April 2009
posted by j at 4/28/2009 11:23:00 PM

Today was a hectic day and I'm really glad it's over. But thanks be to God for seeing me through this day. I could not have done it without Him, and am convinced that He was with me, giving me all that I needed, whether it was wisdom, quick-thinking, grace or timely and gracious help from those around me. For all that I am very thankful.

SL, the CA of my bsf class, is away this week. Which means the admin team is effectively just, me. One of my worries before today was whether I'd be able to leave my Tuesday course on time. For 8 Tuesdays I have to attend a course at school till 5.30pm. The first few weeks of the course, the instructor ended after 5.30pm. If that happened today, I would have been quite late getting to church because after 5.30 the PIE would be really crowded and slow-moving. So I told SL and C to specifically pray that I get off on time. It turned out that I had ANOTHER course on the same day which had to take priority over the other, and this course ended earlier than 5.30pm =) And so, it is, in a way, a prayer answered. I got to church on time to set up =) Also, when I got to church I was still cotton-headed and a bit stressed from the day's happenings, but somehow when I started setting up, God cleared my head and got my adrenalin pumping. Everything that needed to be done just popped into my head clearly and quickly, and I did not forget anything. Praise God that I did not have a headache or neckache today! =)

Before today, I had to do admin on my own one other time. In comparison, that time was much much easier because somehow there were hardly any latecomers, all the DLs were present, there were no comm slips to issue and hardly anyone came to collect notes in advance at the end of the lesson! There were no hiccups or incidences or anything out of the ordinary. I had such an easy time, and yet I was anxious because it was the first time doing it alone. Now, on hindsight, I'd say God was very very gracious that time because He knew how I felt. He gave me the first time's solo run to get me used to things a bit so that I'd be prepared for...well, more. So today, knowing that I was more prepared, had one previous 'practice', and was somewhat less anxious, God upped the challenge a little. It was a lot more busy tonight. Things that don't usually happen on a regular basis on other weeks, all decided to happen today. I even had a tiny hiccup which has never happened before at all! One of the group secretaries marked the attendance in the wrong column, under last week's instead, and upon discovering the error, tried to erase the ticks she made but could not remember which were written in today! This has never happened before, so I had no idea what to tell her to do. My immediate concern was actually to stop myself from getting irritated (because I was already kinda over my head in things I needed to do) because I didn't want to be a bad testimony while serving God. Anyway, while I tried to stay calm, God gave wisdom. We figured out from the pencil imprints on the paper, which were previously there, and whatever we couldn't figure out, I got her to go ask those members whether they were indeed present the previous week. So everything was fine in the end. Heh. Also, we had an unusual large number of people collecting notes in advance, as well as latecomers, so that took up some time, marking attendance and all. There was also enquiries about attending class in a different country as a visitor and lots of early departures for some reason. Things which don't happen on a regular basis on other weeks, decided to all happen today.

Yet, I'd say things went pretty smoothly today, in spite of little incidences here and there and the busyness. Many thanks to those who worked silently by my side, lending a willing helping hand. THE question of the day was "Do you need help?" For that, I am very thankful. The ushers and the DLs who usually help were all really fast and efficient, and full of initiative. It felt like everyone was especially helpful today! Heh. God was also very kind to me in a small way (felt big to me though). I had to sneak into the room during pre-class prayer to make some changes on the attendance sheets, and just as I walked in, I heard one of the DLs praying for me. The timing was impeccable. I was in the room for only 10 seconds. I am sure it was no coincidence. I am certain that God arranged it such, so that I could hear it and be comforted =) And indeed I was.

I'm thankful also for little things that worked out so that the running was smooth: laptop connected to projector just fine and did not go into hibernation as it sometimes does, set-up was complete fast and early, fellowship hall's locked doors were discovered early enough for us to catch the office staff to get them to help us open them, the resignation of the regular caretaker did not cause any problems to our usual working, the combination of Ch's and Pris' groups in the end made things easier for attendance-taking and P took a group for the first time! Was also glad that Deborah came today and made things a lot easier for me. Some time was shaved off because there were people using the hall just before we got there, so we did not have to take time to turn on everything. The lights and air-conditioning etc were all on already. Roy came early and helped Jerry with the carrying of the heavy stuff. And then poor Jerry did most of the shifting of chairs in the rooms upstairs =) Most of the male DLs came early today and could help with the shifting. Thank God! In fact, most of the DLs came early today =)

Before I end off, just a note of thanks to the following people:
  • Deborah and Daniel, our faithful ushers who do much more than just usher. Am so thankful for their initiative and willing hearts.
  • Jerry, Alex, Samuel and Chung Yen for coming early and helping with the manual labour. Many thanks also for their initiative, willing hearts and strong arms.
  • Samuel, for always helping with admin stuff: collecting attendance, taking down room signs and basically doing whatever I request. Heh.
  • Jerry, for always coming early to set up chairs for everyone else, quietly, willingly and without grouse.
  • Alex, Samuel and Chung Yen, for always staying till the end to help move stuff and volunteer to carry the luggage which weighs 10 tonnes.
  • Deborah, for always staying till the end to help with packing and switching off lights etc.
  • Roy and HP for setting up the IT stuff quickly and efficiently, Roy also for the moving of stuff.
  • Cutie and Pearlyn, for always being so quick to offer and render help in whatever little needs to be done.
All praise be to God, our Sustainer and Strength!
23 April 2009
posted by j at 4/23/2009 10:57:00 PM

...my stomach cramps were bad enough to wake me from my slumber at 3am this morning, so that I could clean up the mess before it hit my bedclothes. Damage was minimal and quickly dealt with. My only grouse was my disturbed sleep from the severe pain. Thank God for painkillers...

...I have an understanding HOD who kindly allowed me to go in late for work because of the bad cramps I had. The timing was great too. Today was the only day in my 10-day cycle timetable, that I had the entire morning free from lessons...

...I only had 2 periods today and my students were really cooperative. I quite enjoyed my time with them. They were even observant enough to ask me with much concern, "Teacher, are you sick? You look pale..." Such darlings!

...my dear was so understanding today. He didn't take offence at my grumpiness, knowing that I was irritable because of that time of the month, and quickly bundled me off to rest. He then patiently waited for me to get my much-needed nap before we headed for a late dinner. I was much perkier and better-tempered when I woke up, so we had quite a nice leisurely dinner and walk at vivo. The place is so much friendlier on a non-weekend! After our date, he very considerately offered to drive me in my car back to my place, and was willing to take the bus back (tog with all the groceries he was lugging) to TW. Was quite xin tong for him to do that, so I offered to drop him off part of the way, and so we got off the AYE at JTH so that he could take 180 back from Chinese Garden instead of having to walk all the way to the bus stop from my house. The poor dear still had to lug the groceries back from the bus stop upon alighting, but he was a real sport about it. What would I do without him? =)

Thank God for all his daily mercies!
22 April 2009
posted by j at 4/22/2009 10:37:00 PM

Today, I give thanks that He got me through the day.

Have been dreading the cluster of days from Monday till today, because I knew the forecast was long and exhausting. What with BSF after work on two consecutive days, a 3-hour course in Drama on Tuesdays, Oral duties after school today, CCA duties after Oral, and then CG today.... I was definitely not looking forward to this week. Boy am I glad it's over. Thank God for the strength He supplied me with, the relatively good day I had in terms of students' cooperativeness, and for the unexpectedly good sleep I was 'forced' to have last night because of my lack of clear vision (my spectacles got warped sitting for a day in the heat of the car).

Thank God also that I managed to pick up my spectacles today! Otherwise I would have had to wait till Fri evening cos the optician closes on Thursdays. Am wearing it now as I type =)
20 April 2009
posted by j at 4/20/2009 10:41:00 PM

I know I have yet to share much about him in this space. So, it's about time I did =)

I give thanks to God for him, whose love for me is manifested in the acts of service that he so willingly and self-sacrificially undertakes for my sake.

For a few weeks, I had left my vacuum cleaner and a trolley in my car. I'd previously used these for cleaning up and for moving some stuff at my new house, and somehow never got down to lugging them back up to my current abode. I usually got back too late to secure a nearby parking lot, so lugging those cumbersome items past steps and the swimming pool was hardly something I was in a hurry to do at the end of each long tiring day.

My dearest tried in vain to remind me to return these bulky items to the house, but seeing as it just never got done, got it into his head to do them for me. Last Saturday, I had to attend a school function in the evening for a couple of hours till about 10pm. We were out in my car before that, so he offered to drive me to school and return to fetch me when I was done. Soon as I got off the car, he secretly drove back to my place, made his way into my house using my keys and lugged everything back to my house for me. And because I had been returning home late these past few weeks and had been unable to secure an underground lot (much to my grief), he decided to park my car in the underground lot he managed to find (cos he was quite early), and run back to our new place instead! Which is a good 6 to 7 km away!

He then drove HIS car to pick me up from my school when I was done, and brought this hungry woman (as always) for supper =) I was so touched. Still am. He does things for me so cheerfully and willingly, it puts me to shame. I have much to learn from him. His humility and teachable heart. I thank God for placing him in my life! =)
posted by j at 4/20/2009 10:26:00 PM

In last week's BSF homework, the first question was:
"What was the most important principle you learned from the lecture, and how did you apply it?"
I thought about it and this is what I wrote:
"Praising God for His past help gives hope for the future."
God has been really good. I know He has. The trouble was, if you were to ask me for specific examples, I would have to admit that I really don't remember many. I do remember the more major ones, but I have also lost many other littler ones along the way. Much to my regret.

And so, this is why I'm back. Because when I thought about how I was to apply that, I would have to first be able to remember what God has done for me, in order to be able to praise Him for his past help. Though putting it on the web is hardly considered private, I reckon privacy issues are easier for me to deal with than my never-ending issues with FORGETFULNESS. At least this way I can't lose what I put in writing...

So. Here I am again. After exactly 5 months of absence. Feels kinda weird. Wonder how long I can keep this going. I'm going to try and put in typing, things I can and should give thanks for. Whatever comes to mind, and that God impresses upon me from time to time =)